Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fair Warning

This blog will cover many topics, with the only inherent link being that I choose to write about them. I generally pride myself on avoiding gratuitous profanity and having a grasp of colorful description, so the language is likely to stay fairly clean, although the topics may or may not stay work-safe.

I will classify each post so that it should be easy to filter for the topics you are interested in, or filter out topics you do not wish to see. I will attempt to put particular warnings on anything political or non-PG, but the boundaries of what is considered political and/or offensive vary considerably by person, so read at your own risk. Here are some topics you will likely see at some point if you read every post:

Crafting: I am heavily multi-craftual, and my tips, tricks, and thoughts on whichever craft currently holds primacy are likely to figure prominently in this blog. Examples of major players are listed here, but lack of inclusion here doesn't mean I won't write about it, just that it doesn't come to mind as I write this post.

Gaming- I play computer and console video games as well as tabletop and live-action roleplaying games. Definitely going to come up at some point.

Politics- I don't usually feel it is worth the trolling that posting online about politics engenders, but I do have political opinions, and eventually they will likely come up here. I am in the USA, and neither a Republican nor a Democrat. For the moment, I think that suffices.

Social Commentary: Much more likely than blatant political posts. May range from borderline-political to thoughts on parking lot social dynamics and the like.

Chronic Illness: I have diabetes and a chronic pain disorder that is currently diagnosed as fibromyalgia (long story). Daily life experiences, insights about stigma and the perception of chronic illness, etc. , are likely to crop up once in a while. More borderline or specific-topic politics likely here.

Science- I am something of a science geek, so eventually I will probably post about something scientific that particularly catches my attention.

Computers/Tech- I assemble my own computers, run multiple operating systems, hack my smartphones, etc. I'm not a fangirl for any particular OS, but the Mac Experience runs counter to my DIY nature, so not a fan.

Knitting- I knit Eastern and throw rather than pick (don't worry if that means nothing to you). Nothing against crochet, just haven't learned that yet. I design knitwear and evangelicise for knitting-style-nonspecific patterns.

Sewing- I make and design clothing and household items, from everyday clothes to stuffed animals to comic book character costumes. I occasionally do embroidery, Thinking of getting into quilting.

Jewelry- Inactive for quite a while due to overhead, but I design and make jewelry. So far, not a lot of fine jewelry, mostly fashion pieces, but working my way up.

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